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Fix My Mess is ready to Fix Your Mess!

Based in the Adelaide Hills FMM has created welcoming, clean & organised spaces in homes for a decade! Services include: Organising, Decluttering and Spring Cleaning - specialising in creating order from chaos.

Welcome to Fix My Mess

Fix My Mess was built on a foundation of wanting to make a positive difference in peoples lives, starting with the home. Living in the modern day, balance and organisation is at the core of every home. I am passionate about keeping my clients lives on track by educating, creating storage solutions, optimising efficiency and bringing life back into over crowded spaces. I love what I do and since 2014 operate 6 days per week from the Adelaide Hills where I share my wealth of experience with much valued clients.

NDIS support

I provide NDIS support for cleaning assistance and home organisation services in the Adelaide Hills that will leave you wondering why you didn't do this sooner!

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Life gets busy, so I help by optimising your schedules, systems and spaces.

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Removal of physical items. Identifying and releasing emotional attachment to possessions and strategies to help you manage in the future.

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Hear what my valued clients have to say about Fix My Mess services:

I’d like to say a very big Thank You to Rebecca for Decluttering our home. Areas were getting too built up with all of the purchases following the recent diagnosis of my son. It was getting too much to handle. Rebecca made the process easy and was understanding of what we needed. I couldn’t recommend her highly enough!

NDIS Linda
Declutter home

I called Bec in to help finish the garage – a project I’d started years earlier when I first moved into my property. Over the years, the garage filled with storage things. I couldn’t get the car in. She knew exactly what it needed and we got started right away. First decluttering the things that had piled over the years, then adding storage along the walls. We boxed and zoned items I’d kept, and even got the car in! The only thing I’m not happy with is that I should have called Bec sooner!

Organising Garage

Meet Rebecca

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Book Today

Fix My Mess is ready to Fix Your Mess! If you are interested in booking a Spring Clean, Organising or Decluttering session, call Rebecca today on 0424975834